STR (Clemson Tiger) and Matt Melton's (Wake Forest Demon Deacon) view on Sports -

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I'm sure you have all seen the major meltdown Asheville Tourists head coach Joe Mikulik had the other day. Seeing this man lose his mind made me think of other memorable meltdowns by coaches.
We will countdown from 5 for the best sports meltdowns in the last 25 years.

5. Joe "forgot
his medication" Mikulik - We have to mention this guy. He absolutely lost his mind. He argued a call and got ejected. Then he proceeded to remove and throw second base, a resin bag, threw bats onto the field, knocked over two water coolers and covered home plate with dirt.... However he was nice enough to wash it off with a water bottle which he immediately spiked on the plate.

4. John "I'll Kill You" Chaney - Chaney wasn't big on theatrics. He just said some crazy stuff. In 1994, in a post game news conference, Chaney told John Calipari "I'll kill you". He tried but was pulled away by security.

3. Jim "D
iddly-Poo" Mora - In a post game news conference, Jim Mora was hilarious. He is famous for his tirades but this was great. "I mean, it's absolutely pitiful to play like that. ... Horrible. Just horrible. Horrible." He added, to the press: "Playoffs? Don't talk about playoffs. Are you kidding me? Playoffs?" he said. "I just hope we can win a game, another game."He screamed in a high pitch voice and proceeded to call his teams play "diddly-poo". That's not a typo, he really said diddly-poo.

2. Bobby "chair throwing" Knight - What would this list be without Bobby Knight. While
Knight had numerous explosions, he makes this list for his chair throwing incident. Knight threw his chair back in 1985 in a loss to Purdue, nearly hitting fans and immortalizing Knight for his tirades.

1. "Sweet" Lou Pinella - Lou Pinella has been ejected a lot in his career. The only
active manager to be ejected more is Bobby Cox. He has some memorable explosions. He is number 1 on this list for two particular instances. 1. In 1992, he questions Rob Dibbles shoulder injury. When Dibble says Pinella is "full of sh*t" Pinella actually tackles him in the locker room. 2. In 1994, Pinella has his famous throwing second base meltdown. After a homerun call was reversed Pinella threw second base and his hat into center field.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That minor league coach should be # 1

12:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is McClendon (Pirates Coach?)

9:52 AM


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